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Apr 19
Fraud Alert: Protecting Your Identity

​Approximately 15 million United States residents have their identities fraudulently used each year with financial losses being the biggest hardship to endure.

On a case-by-case basis, that means approximately 7% of all adults have their identities misused or stolen, with each instance resulting in roughly $3,500 in losses. In addition to this, close to 100 million Americans have their personal information placed at risk of identity theft each year. 

Identity theft is real and can be damaging in a lot of ways. With the right information, people can take out loans, apply for credit cards, and even withdraw money pretending to be you. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your identity and your finances safe. Check out the tips below: 

  1. Do not give out any personal information unless you know who exactly you are giving it to.
  2. If you do give out your personal information, don’t be afraid to ask verifying questions!
  3. Always shred any documentation that contains any personal information. This especially includes anything that has your addresses, social security number, credit card information, or banking information.
  4. Keep important documents protected and safe! Invest in an in-home safe, keep it locked and out of general sight.
  5. Always contact your bank right away if you notice any suspicious activity or charges you didn’t make
  6. Make sure to always cancel/deactivate any cards that you are no longer using
  7. Report and deactivate any cards that have been missing for more than 6 hours.
  8. When using the internet, create difficult passwords and don’t use the same password for every account.
  9. Take advantage of anti-virus software and regularly update software.
  10. Avoid click-bait on the internet or any offers promising to give you “free” items in exchange for “signing-up” with your personal information. Most organizations that ask for personal information will explicitly tell you why they are collecting it and who will have access to it before you give up your information. 



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