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Feb 23
Gun violence is the most common cause of death for young men

​​​Gun violence WST Blog.jpg

In the United States, 30 percent of deaths in 2016 among young men ages 15 to 19 can be attributed to gun violence. This is significantly higher than the percentage of young men who died in motor vehicle accidents (23 percent), or of illness or disease (21 percent). All other causes of death (including non-motor vehicle accidents like drowning and poisoning) made up 26 percent of deaths in 2016.​​​

Among young men who died in 2016, 18 percent died from homicide due to gun violence and 10 percent died from gun-inflicted suicide. Comparatively, only 12 percent of deaths were due to non-firearm homicides and suicides.

These data make it clear that gun violence poses an outsized threat to young men in the United States. (Across all age groups of boys and men, only two percent of deaths in 2016 were due to gun violence.)

While overall numbers and rates of deaths for youths are down about 20 percent in just 10 years, the share of young men ages 15 to 19 dying from gun violence is actually increasing. Transport and motor vehicle accident deaths, for example, were almost halved in the last 10 years (from 23 per 100,000 youth in 2006 to just 13 in 2016). To protect young people, lawmakers and industries must consider taking steps to reduce gun violence similar to those taken in previous decades to reduce deaths by motor vehicles and other accidents.​ 

By​ Natali​a E. Pane​​​​

Oct 06
A Content Analysis of Hospitals’ Community Health Needs Assessments in the Most Violent U.S. Cities

​Kyle Fisher, MD, MPH; Health Policy and Leadership Fellowship Director at the University of Maryland School of Medicine presented on the Community Health Needs Assessment Project at the Cure Violence Research Working Group meeting that I attended today. Should be particularly useful to those of you on the OVC project.

Violence and Community Health Needs Assessment_2017.pdf

Jul 03
How to Write Faster: 12 Unusual Hacks


Two weeks ago, when I sat down to write my first blog post at HubSpot, I was determined to make it shine. Perfection was the only option.

So I filtered each word through dozens of thesaurus searches, selecting only the most dazzling ones for my article. 

Six hours later, my blog post was gleaming. I felt great about it. But before I could close my laptop and pack up, a number at the bottom of my document jolted me sideways.

I had written 300 words. That’s only 50 words an hour.

I realized I barely bit into my post. How was I going to finish it on time?

I’m sure you’ve experienced similar days. Writing is hard. It takes time to craft compelling content. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to write faster.

This infographic from Enchanting Marketing will help you write faster with 12 hacks you can use today, like the pomodoro technique or Ernest Hemingway’s “bridge to tomorrow”.



Jun 29
Community Schools: An Evidence-Based Strategy for Equitable School Improvement

Community Schools: An Evidence-Based Strategy for Equitable School Improvement

Community schools represent a place-based school improvement strategy in which “schools partner with community agencies and local government to provide an integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement.”(01) Many operate year-round, from morning to evening, and serve both children and adults. Although the approach is appropriate for students of all backgrounds, many community schools serve neighborhoods where poverty and racism erect barriers to learning, and where families have few resources to supplement what typical schools provide.

Community schools vary in the programs they offer and the way they operate, depending on their local context. However, four features—or pillars—appear in most community schools:

  1. Integrated student supports
  2. Expanded learning time and opportunities
  3. Family and community engagement
  4. Collaborative leadership and practices​

Apr 12
​Five ways to improve planning reports

Five ways to improve planning reports

The documents may be important as elected officials and citizens rely on them to make decisions about the future of their communities, but that doesn't mean writers make the reports easy to understand. A KU professor has proposed ways to make the documents more reader-friendly.

Read More »

Apr 13
Article of Interest

Hi team,

​I came across this article during the literature review and thought it might be of interest. 

The authors conducted a semi-structured interview with 49 participants to identify ​factors that contribute to reinjury.  The results obtained are illustrated in the table below. 

Am J Public Health (2005) Vol 95, No 5 Pathways to Recurrent Trauma.png 


Rich, J. & Grey, C. (2005). Pathways to Recurrent Trauma Among Young Black Men: Traumatic Stress, Substance Use, and the “Code of the Street.” American Journal of Public Health, 95(5), 816-824. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.044560​


Aug 27
Welcome to my blog!

This is where I'll be sharing my thoughts on topics that matter to me. Who knows... I might even share pictures, videos and links to other interesting stuff.

If I catch your interest, let me hear from you.

About this blog
No, this isn't actually my picture. I just haven't gotten around to updating this section. It's good to know that someone is reading every last word though. Thanks!